Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm back, back from the Future

It never gets old. I figured there'd be a time when I'd stop saying this, but that time ain't come yet, and at this point I doubt it ever will. Latest test, the big screen, passed with McFlying colors! (I know I'm just a lame nerd, turn your backs on me while you still can)

The funny is still funny, the flux capacitor still fluxing, the suspense still suspended, the story is still alive.

There are some facial expressions these actors gave 25 years ago that talk loud, clear and to the damn point even if you have seen them a gazillion times.

I'm thinking stuff like this:

I will add more tomorrow as I get the time to grab them from the DVD.

Each turn surprised me even if I was in total control of the steering wheel, let's face it I know this script by heart in TWO completely different languages.
But I will never do it justice with my humanoid vocabulary so I'd better not waste my time on that. Especially since tomorrow marks the start of the Rome Film Festival and I have to be early, in good shape and looking great at the utmost opposite point of the city.

Speaking of, my point is, I was interviewed today at the screening because I was wearing my Back to the Future shirt (people apparently thought I'd had this great, forward idea, stopping me like I was a celebrity. I thought I'd just got dressed with the only natural thing you would wear to such an event). I was asked to voice whatever I wanted on the film. Anything. I stood blank. Mumbled something. Then felt like a stupid cow.
As I said, words can't but stop at some things, and this is one of them.


A little more than one day as passed since I solemnly declared that I was going to grab pics from the DVD, and I've been very busy as you all know with the Rome Film Festival, but a solemn promise is a solemn promise. So tonight I put myself to it and rediscovered (I forget every time) that although I regularly purchased my copy of the movie I can't do whatever the fuck I want with it. It is in fact prohibited that I snap pics of it however I please. I am terribly annoyed about this and while I do understand copyright issues I am going to fight this fascist dictate!

So I ended up spending the last hour downloading free softwares, scanning forums and overall just trying to hack my mac. I will proudly say that the regime is defeated! Aided by Captain VLC and Lieutenant Apple Preview I tapped the Cricci flag deep in the enemy's ground and blew a rounded, tonic raspberry in its face.

I love this movie and I want to share iconic moments from it with other fans, maybe I want to print one out and keep it in my wallet. As long as I'm not using it for illegal purposes I should be able to take a look at a frame of the film I bought with my sweated money whenever I feel like it, even if I'm not in front of a screen. Therefore I encourage you to save this caps I made and spread them around in a BTTF-loving-lawfully-driven manner!

So these are the faces that still make me laugh 25 years later. I'll tell you I was laughing again while I was working on them, does it make me very tired, hopeless or awesome? You decide!
Strictly chronological order:

George McFly enjoying his son's take on greasy hair.

Marty McFly double-takes on a kid who looks familiar.

The Flux Capacitor is what makes time travel possible!

Doc thinks Lorraine is a psycho.

Doc enjoys watching what Marty can come up with concerning the rhythmic ceremonial ritual.

Marty McFly has an Edipo moment.

The wire just got unplugged. Again.

Do you want to tell me which one is your favorite? I really care!
Leave a comment below.

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