Monday, October 18, 2010

Nine layers

This morning I've indulged in the world of self-centerness and I've compiled a meme in which I talk about me, me and me. I decided to start with an easy, short one, just to see if I liked the subject matter. I have to say I had a nice time doing it.

I felt I hadn't really given any facts that would describe me to my readers since I started this blog, and I know I like to have somewhat of an idea of who my bloggers are when I read their ramblings, hence the experiment.

Thanks to Eleonora who inspired me to do it and on whose blog I found this specific meme.
As layers progress they carry more in depth information about me.
So read on and nice to meet you!

                Name: Cristina, but you can call me Cricci
                Birth date: September 14th 1983
                Birthplace: Roma Roma Roma
                Current Location: As above, but I hope to change this answer in a little while
                Eye Color: Extremely nuanced dark brown
                Hair Color: Dark brown, but I enjoy a little splash of highlight every once in a while
                Height: 1,69 m
                Righty or Lefty: Right hand in writing, left leg in snowboarding, right foot in football playing (but I’m mastering the ambidextrous art in this particular field, so I can be invincible)
                Zodiac Sign: Virgo

                Your heritage: Some say my mom was born in Naples but you might want to keep it a secret
                The shoes you wore today: Slippers, I’m home
                Your weakness: Smiles
                Your fears: Death mostly. Anything else is surmountable
                Your perfect pizza: Tomato sauce, buffalo mozzarella and raw ham. Thick, tender and flaming hot
                Goal you’d like to achieve: Serenity

                Your most overused phrase on AIM: What?
                Your first waking thoughts: Fuck it’s late
                Your best physical feature: According to others there’s a lot, don’t mean to brag. According to me, well, that’s another story
                Your most missed memory: Lunch at my grandma’s

                Pepsi or Coke: I endure swallowing a glass of Coke only when I desperately need some digesting action
                McDonald’s or Burger King: Oh yuck
                Single or group dates: Are you kidding me? If a group is involved it’s not a date, it’s a night out
                Adidas or Nike: Adidas, Originals
                Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I’m not very fond of iced tea, I stick with water. Still
                Chocolate or vanilla: What’s vanilla?
                Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee everyday, at least twice. Cappuccino in the nice, slow, indulging mornings, like Sundays

                Smoke: Used to. Quit simply and without any effort when I became hypochondriac
                Cuss: Ask my parents, they don’t want to be seen with me
                Sing: Atrociously
                Take a shower everyday: Every other day mostly, when I have practice. On the other days I wash just the important bits
                Do you think you’ve been in love: I know I have
                Want to go to college: No thanks, been there and thank God it’s over
                Liked high school: Parts of it
                Want to get married: Someday, but not a priority
                Believe in yourself: Lately a whole lot
                Get motion sickness: Anytime, anywhere, anyhow
                Think you’re attractive: With tons of make-up, styled hair and a bag on my face yes. Just kidding!
                Think you’re a health freak: Hell yes. You can refer to the first point of this layer
                Get along with your parent(s): Sure, and it gets better everyday
                Like thunderstorms: Kind of impartial to them
                Play an instrument: I played the piano for a couple of years when I was 7, but then I understood I’m not made to sit down for long hours so I went to dance school and ditched Mozart

LAYER 6: In the past month…
                Drank alcohol: Yes, couple of glasses of wine during night outs. I’m not a big elbow bender
                Smoked: Nope
                Done a drug: Nope
                Made Out: Sadly nope
                Gone on a date: Do you want to break me down?
                Gone to the mall: Of course! I don’t function without shopping, especially when I don’t go on dates, more so when I don’t make out
                Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No, but I’ve eaten entire boxes of other fat clustered things
                Eaten sushi: Yes. I can’t imagine life without sushi
                Been on stage: Yes. I’m an actress
                Been dumped: Kind of
                Gone skating: No. Haven’t gone in a while actually
                Made homemade cookies: I made brownies!
                Gone skinny dipping: No, never have, but oh so want to
                Dyed your hair: Yes. My brother in law owns a salon and is the best hairdresser in Rome
                Stolen Anything: No. I gave up that craft long ago

LAYER 7: Ever…
                Played a game that required removal of clothing: Required kissing yes. Removal of clothing, not that I can remember
                Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: More than once
                Been caught “doing something”: Mmmm, not that I know of
                Been called a tease: Just by my girlfriends, and just as a joke. Right?
                Gotten beaten up: No
                Shoplifted: Oh I have an enviable record. But it’s dated to the 90s
                Changed who you were, in order to fit in: I used to do it a little when I was younger, but luckily I found out soon enough that it doesn’t serve you at all

                Age you hope to be married: Like I said, it’s not a priority. But I hope to be in love again soon
                Numbers and Names of Children: Zero, but my first girl might get the name Phoebe. Ain’t it cute?
                Describe your Dream Wedding: I see a man I’m desperately in love with. Nothing else
                How do you want to die: Gentle heart failure in the arms of the love of my life
                Where you want to go to college: Nowhere
                What do you want to do when you grow up: Great movies
                What country would you most like to visit: Japan

                Number of drugs taken illegally: Number as in types or times?
                Number of people I could trust with my life: Four
                Number of CDs that I own: A lot, but I don’t listen to them anymore, I’ve evolved
                Number of piercings: Six altogether on the ears and belly button
                Number of tattoos: Three
                Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Couple
                Number of scars on my body: Some, I don’t know
                Number of things in my past that I regret: None. Everything I did made me who I am

Now it’s you turn!

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