Monday, October 18, 2010

Homo Deskboundensis

I’m thinking these days I’m spending an awful load of time in front of this screen, and curved on the keyboard typing. That’s why my back hurts so badly lately and I have frequent absurd headaches. I feel a little unhealthy and crumbled, but isn’t that what every 21st century person experiences?

At the same time I cannot stop. What I am doing alongside my macbook so much is working on my PRs. I have written and replied to more than 5oo e-mails these past week. That takes time. Also I’ve been blogging a lot.

And why is that that we blog?
For me I think it is a desperate need for human interaction. I have a few great friends, but not many. I can’t be bothered with fake superficial relationships. I find blogging to kind of stand in between the two extremes, because it allows you to express yourself with an endless group of individuals - and if you’re persistent enough even get to have someone read what you’re saying - but in the end only those actually interested in your endeavors will spend their time with you. That kind of makes their attachment real and they won't be fake and superficial unless fake and superficial is what you write for them.

Also blogging is helping me to expand my horizons. I get stimulated to write on a variety of different subjects. Having entered the blogosphere pushes me and compels me to read more, and I’m discovering a whole lot of people who actually share my interests and write amazing things about them. Travelling, cooking, fashion, photography, makeup, reviews, geekish stuff, building things from scratch with your bare hands, bedjumping, funhaving.

Nevertheless I should start adjusting the time I spend in front of computers to intertwine it better with the other activities in my life that I am kind of blatantly ignoring at the moment. After all I have no intention of becoming a professional blogger and the road I have to walk through in my line of work is steep, long and dirty. So it needs my devoted attention.

Speaking of which I will go back to my books.
Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing this wonderful time of my life with me!

This post was written to the sound of Norah Jones and Amy Winehouse. Lovely.

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